Pediatric cervical spine surgery is a treatment option for children who have injuries or abnormalities in the neck portion of the spine (cervical spine).

Cervical spine injuries may occur at birth or result from a car accident or other trauma. Cervical spine abnormalities are usually present at birth (congenital). These abnormalities are rare, occurring most often in children who have Down syndrome, various forms of dwarfism, Klippel-Feil syndrome or bone disorders.

If your child has a cervical spine injury or abnormality, bony structures may press the skull against the brainstem or upper part of the spinal cord. This compression can cause abnormal brain development or spine problems.

In pediatric cervical spine surgery, a surgeon removes the bony structures or abnormalities that are compressing your child’s brainstem or spinal cord. Surgery can help prevent deformity, chronic pain and loss of nerve function.

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