Transoral robotic surgery is a procedure to remove oral cancers in which a surgeon uses a sophisticated, computer-enhanced system to guide the surgical tools.

Transoral robotic surgery gives the surgeon an enhanced view of the cancer and surrounding tissue. Using a robotic system to guide the surgical tools allows for more-precise movements in tiny spaces and the capability to work around corners.

When compared with more-traditional procedures, transoral robotic surgery for oral cancer tends to result in a quicker recovery and fewer complications.

About transoral robotic surgery

During transoral robotic surgery, your surgeon sits at a remote control console a short distance from you and the operating table and precisely controls the motion of the surgical instruments using two hand-and-finger control devices. The console displays a magnified, 3-D view of the surgical area that enables the surgeon to visualize the procedure in much greater detail than in traditional laparoscopic surgery.

Transoral robotic surgery may be used to treat:

  • Mouth cancer
  • Throat cancer
  • Tongue cancer
  • Tonsil cancer

Compared with other operations, transoral robotic surgery typically offers excellent cure rates, shorter hospital stays and fewer complications.

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